‘When I get sad, I stop being sad and be awesome instead.’

This year’s New York City trip was unofficially endorsed by How I Met Your Mother.  My best friend and I (note:  her Facebook album chronicaling the trip is titled “That time me and my platonic soulmate spent the day in the city.”  Platonic soulmate right here.  That’s me!”) spent the day travelling up and down the streets of Manhattan, getting lost a few times thanks to incompetent GPS (fun fact:  Central Park apparently confuses Google Maps profusely), stalking dogs, and compiling awesome quotes for posterity’s sake.  

After a lengthy, nap-filled bus ride, our day started off with Apple Maps (I’d just had to reset my phone, so pre-installed navigation app it was) deciding we weren’t actually walking and therefore that we had to follow the one-way streets several blocks away before arriving at our much-anticipated breakfast spot, a little vegan cafe called VLife (read about my first foray here!) .  With limited confidence, I decided I apparently knew the city better than the navigator and adjusted (admittedly using said map as backup, just in case).  We finally arrived at Vlife, anxiously awaiting food, when we realised that its weekend hours began at 11…another ten minutes or so.  With so much of our excitement based on eating at this specific place, we decided to wait it out, checking out the local Pret A Manger and some intense gothic architecture in the meantime (my art professor would later get to what about my lecturing Shelby [the other platonic soulmate] on flying buttresses—she never expected a spontaneous lesson in art history).  

The buttresses though. FLYING buttresses.

Finally, we made it into VLife, the first customers in just as they turned over their “open” sign a few minutes past eleven.  The big deal?  VEGAN BREAKFAST SANDWICHES.  Do you know how long it had been since I’d had a breakfast sandwich?  Me neither.  Regardless, this one was SO worth the wait.  Made with tofu (“egg”), veggie ham, and “cheese” and topped with a creamy sriracha mayo, it was a pretty perfect sandwich.  At Shelby’s brilliant suggestion, we also picked up an order of “Noble Nuggets,” which somehow replicate meat without all the grossness.  Bonus:  they came with ranch dressing!  Long before veganism and dairy allergies, I was the kind of person who put ranch on almost everything.  This reminder of it’s wonderfulness (in cruelty-free form) was pure happiness.  

From here, we headed uptown toward Central Park and Fifth Avenue, aka Tiffany’s, aka the primary reason I’m in love with this city.  Of course, we had to stop to see the sights along the way.  

One of these sights was the Empire State Building, at which we were those tourists with the selfie sticks—this was a therapeutic vacation, no shame y’all.  One of the men hocking touristy things outside stared chatting with me;  once it was clear we knew where we were going (when we weren’t utilising Google/Apple Maps), it turned into “oh, are you engaged?” (as I had my Tiffany ring on my right hand).  “…but is there someone in your life?”  

“Yes, there is,” interjected my soulmate/knight in shining armour.  The man pointed us toward Central Park (“just in case”) and we continued on our way.  

Continuing our tourism trend, I carried an almost empty Starbucks cup and a large snickerdoodle until we got to Tiffany’s.  What better way to express my appreciation than to recreate the iconic Audrey Hepburn scene?  Id berated poor Shelby with Breakfast at Tiffany’s facts every few minutes for our entire commute (to which she interjected Deep Blue Something lyrics), and now she became my photographer.  

“And I said what about eating a cookie awkwardly posed outside of Tiffany’s?”

We stepped into a few more stores, but eventually made it to Central Park.  Neither of us had really explored the park in all it’s glory, so we were excited to wander, even if we were about to walk a few thousand more steps than my already injured leg should have handled (heck, we’d long since surpassed that point).  

My biggest goal for this stop was to snap photos from one of my other nerdish obsessions—The Last Five Years. Unfortunately (for them), they blocked me from posting on their social media after I shared an earlier post I’d written gushing about the show (only a little bitter there).  Nonetheless, I remain a fan and dutifully passed by the Beresford, San Remo, and the Dakota, even struggling past the still-undefined covering over half of the latter.  

We also spent a good half an hour looking for Strawberry Fields (strawberry fiiieeelds FOREVER), then another twenty or so looking for the IMAGINE mosaic.  Thank you, Beatles, for an extra couple thousand steps.  

Then we made our way to what was arguably the highlight of our plans—McGee’s Pub.  For those of you have seen How I Met Your Mother, this was the inspiration of the legen…dary MacLaren’s!

Now, as Shelby hasn’t yet turned 21, we were a little worried I wouldn’t be able to have my all-important HIMYM cocktail.  Luckily, the “Pizza Hut exception” apparently applied, and I got my Gay Pirate.  Believe it or not, this thing was STRONG.  

Cutting through Times Square Like good little tourists, we headed back to Penn Station.  Jumping just slightly out of the way, we grabbed some dessert and teas from VLife and Dunkin before boarding—a worthwhile time investment!  

Here’s to next year!

“But you wouldn’t change anything….”

“Like any great love, it keeps you guessing; like any real love, it’s ever-changing; like any true love, it drives you crazy, but you wouldn’t change anything, anything, anything…. Welcome to New York, it’s been waiting for you, welcome to New York, welcome to New York….” –Welcome to New York, Taylor Swift

I’ll be the first to admit that Taylor Swift’s music has gone downhill as of late.  I wouldn’t call myself a fan of this particular number, but I understand the concept behind it, because I completely agree when it comes to NYC.

Luckily for me, I’ve been there quite a few times on various endeavors.  Last year, I returned with a friend from the NY area, toured some hot spots, and began anxiously awaiting December 2015, when I could return again on the annual college-run trip.

Fast-forward to late September, and I’m quite literally a wreck— leaving one job after a terrifying police-involving situation, getting used to piles of new pills, barely eating or sleeping, and just generally in a state of malaise, not to mention the constant buildup of schoolwork.

One of my best friends, who’d worked side-by-side with me at the Bookstore all summer, took me aside at the peak of it all and asked “Are you sure you don’t want to go on this New York City trip this weekend?”

In addition to “my” trip in December, the school has an autumn trip to see a Broadway show.  Though the bus-only tickets were significantly cheaper than the bus + theatre ones, I hadn’t had the additional funds at the time of their sale to go— in my current state, I was hardly in a state to be reminded of that.

Sam, my friend, wasn’t trying to break my heart after all.  Instead, he’d acquired an extra ticket, and, knowing my fascination and familiarity with the city, claimed it on the off chance I’d be up for it, as a way to cheer me up.

Believe it or not, his Best Friend of the Year award points get even more impressive as the story goes on....

Believe it or not, his Best Friend of the Year award points get even more impressive as the story goes on….

After I anal retentively planned our jam-packed trip by the minute, we headed off on a long, long bus ride, fueled with coffee, almond granola, and each other’s company.

Despite my usual Lincoln Tunnel panic attack and Sam’s newbie fascination with quite literally every building we passed from Jersey on, we made it to Penn Station.

From there, we stopped by Carlo’s Bakery, of the TV show Cake Boss.  Though I couldn’t eat anything (not a single dairy-less option, unfortunately!), I was able to warm up with some more coffee and enjoy the atmosphere.

Though it's flagship shop is in Hoboken, the 8th Avenue bakery is all the cakes with half the crowd!

Though it’s flagship shop is in Hoboken, the 8th Avenue bakery is all the cakes with half the crowd!

From there, it was toy store heaven— Disney, Toys R Us, and Nintendo World, where Sam nearly bought out their entire stock of Pokemon plush.  I came home with a Sleepy Eevee, one of my childhood favourites, and, of course, a new Perry for the collection (this one talks!!!).

We cut through toys to Rockefeller Centre— saddening without it’s usual tree and festivities.  My elation quickly returned, though, when we hit my absolute favourite spot in the city.

Fifth Avenue... Businesspeople, the wealthy, and Jules, obsessing over sparkly things.

Fifth Avenue… Businesspeople, the wealthy, and Jules, obsessing over sparkly things.

When we’d been planning, Sam asked me “What’s the cheapest thing at Tiffany’s?”  Far too acquainted with their catalogue, I quickly rattled off some highlights— a $125 pendant, a $75 pen…. Of course, I quoted Breakfast at Tiffany’s:  “A sterling silver telephone dialer…. at 6.75, including federal tax.”

“I could buy something for you and something for my mom,” he said thoughtfully as we drove from shop to shop, planning the perfect city-worthy outfits.  I shushed him, considering his contemplation to be absolute nonsense.

I’d found him the perfect necklace for his Mom, and as we strolled the third floor (after undoubtedly convincing the second floor lovelies that we were in fact a couple, as I showed him the exact rings I plan to have come my engagement [to Prince Harry], I couldn’t help but look around myself.

I have to admit— I looked pretty amazing on this trip;  at least good enough for the employees to bother greeting me and whatnot.  It’s a truly amazing feeling, to be greeted by a Tiffany’s employee— “nothing very bad could happen to you there….

In the process, I came across a gorgeous ring I’d been admiring on the site.  Sam’s prompting earlier to try on the $14,000 engagement ring came to mind.  Surely, even my extreme klutziness couldn’t deter me from trying on the significantly cheaper engraved sterling silver band?

Sam joined me at the counter after making his purchase and agreed.  I gave the clerk my ring size— a six, if my future husband happens to be reading this— and he handed me the display, conveniently the same size (if that isn’t a sign from the Gods, I’m not sure what is).

“I could get it for you,” Sam insisted.  We bickered like the old married couple we essentially are, but I gave in eventually.  It was practically blackmail, with the sparkling silver circlet on my hand and the employee watching it shine with adoration.  I was soon handed a bag housing a blue box in which my brand-new ring shined.  If I hadn’t already had their address engrained in my mind, I’d know it now, as it sparkles on my hand almost always.

IMG_2542 IMG_2606

From there, we went to Central Park, Abercrombie and Fitch, Hollister, Grand Central Station, the Empire State Building, and an amazing vegan cafe called VLife.


I navigated the city quite successfully, introduced one of my favourite people to one of my favourite places, and received a piece of jewelry from the place where I’m happiest in the world.  Overall, a successful trip!

Best friends forever, obviously!

Best friends forever, obviously!

3 Days, 3 Quotes

Thanks to the wonderful Mary of Disney On My Mind for the nomination (check out her lovely blog to see for yourself!)!

As you can certainly tell from my post titles, I absolutely adore quotes.  Because of this, this challenge was particularly, well, challenging!  The hardest part?  Choosing just three!

But without further ado, here goes nothing.  First, my nominations!

Congratulations to these three!

And so, for today’s quote!

It’s only fitting that I should post a Tiffany’s quote.  This is meant, rather obviously, as an allusion to engagement.

No, I’m not engaged (sorry, Mom!), but I relate to this quote regardless.  The vagueness of the proposed question is, in my opinion, purposeful.  Out of context, “Will you?” can mean nearly anything.

These questions, in turn, defin your life.  Will you buy those shoes?  Will you take that job? Will you go to the gym? Will you sleep late?  Will you?

As usual, Tiffany’s is transcending the boundaries of a jewelry store.  And I’ll admit, their advice is pretty darn good.

“If I could find a real-life place that’d make me feel like Tiffany’s….”

As I mentioned in yesterday’s post, I absolutely adore Tiffany’s.  Aside from an excess of needing to save for school, I insist on saving a little bit of my paycheck for Tiffany’s.  Not the world’s most rational decision, but I figure I should treat myself eventually, right?

The goal:  Return to Tiffany® Heart Tag Toggle Necklace

Isn't it gorgeous?

Isn’t it gorgeous?

(For an added dose of excitement, check out Legally Blonde’s Elle Woods’ choice of accessories!)

It all started with James Patterson’s Sundays at Tiffany’s.  After I read the book years ago, I was intrigued, and this quickly became my current obsession.

My love of Tiffany’s and great appreciation for Audrey Hepburn quickly led to my love of Breakfast at Tiffany’s.


The look on his face. Ah….

In fact, one of my life goals is to own a cat named Cat (plus a corgi named Winston, and a yet-to-be-named German shepherd and beagle, in case you were wondering).

Finally, I’ve gotten around to reading the novel.  This is more than unusual for me- I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a movie before reading the book before.

In short, novel, book, and store are amazing.

The novel/movie’s protagonist, Holly Golightly, refers to “the quietness and the proud look of it;  nothing very bad could happen to you there, not with those kind men in their nice suits, and that lovely smell of silver and alligator wallets.  If I could find a real-life place that made me feel like Tiffany’s, then I’d buy some furniture and give the cat a name.”  There’s no better way to describe the feeling of Tiffany’s.

Versatile Blogger Award!

I’ve had the honor of being nominated by the lovely Sherina of SherinaSpeaks- thank you so much, Sherina!  She’s got a wonderful blog of her own, which you should definitely check it out!
The rules for this award are….
-Display the award.
-Thank the person who nominated you.
-Share seven facts about yourself.
-Nominate 15 blogs.
-Link to your nominees’ blogs.
-Let them know they’ve been nominated.

Check, check….

Seven facts about me:
1)  I have an incredible weakness for cute animals.  My puppy’s my favorite!

Meet Cooper!  He'll certainly show up here quite often :)

Meet Cooper! He’ll certainly show up here quite often 🙂

For some more cute animals, check out Hope, Faith, and MowMow from Trevor Zoo at Millbrook School– how often do you get the chance to watch a live stream of adorable red pandas?  If you’re able, I fully support donating to the cause (see their site for more details on donating)!

2)  I’m quite possibly the biggest klutz to ever exist.  Why do I wear a knee brace? I walked across a street and partially dislocated my knee cap.  Why am I currently limping? I was walking up some stairs and sprained my ankle.  Thankfully, I rarely fall completely, but I hurt myself far too easily for my liking.

3)  I absolutely adore Tiffany’s- I might rival Audrey Hepburn.

 I talked my friend into going in when we were in NYC in December.  He may have been scarred by the expensive sparkliness that surrounded us, but I was on cloud nine!

I talked my friend into going in when we were in NYC in December. He may have been scarred by the expensive sparkliness that surrounded us, but I was on cloud nine!

This has led to a subsequent love for Breakfast at Tiffany’s, but that’s a post for another day.

4)  I absolutely adore Disney movies-  my roommate’s an expert on Walt Disney World, and it’s almost certain we can quote at least all of the canon films verbatim, and we’ve literally spent hours just discussing this single topic.  A day rarely goes by without a soundtrack playing in our room!  You’d think it would be hard to be this excited about something for an extended period of time, but we manage, and have a ton of fun in the process.

5)  My mom is without a doubt my best friend.  I may be the only college student to ever call her mom a dozen times a day just to chat. Have you seen Gilmore Girls?  She’s my Lorelai.

Love you, Mommy!

Love you, Mommy!

6)  I love random facts.  Will this ever help me in life?  Probably not.  But hey, who knows!  Maybe someday the square root of pi or the weather in the days after the Battle of Gettysburg will come in handy!

7)  I honestly love going to the gym.  And eating “rabbit food.”  And going to bed early.  I even like drinking water most days (assuming that coffee has already been consumed!).  No, I’m not kidding!

Now, being super new to the blogosphere, I can’t truthfully say I know fifteen blogs yet!  (I know, I’m breaking the rules….I’m sorry!)  Otherwise, here are my nominations!

Student of the American Civil War
My Worst Advice
Disney on my Mind
A Caffeinated Blog
Rescue Dog Blog

Thanks again to Sherina for the nomination, and congratulations to the nominees!