“Simply having a wonderful Christmastime….”

“The word is out about the town to lift a glass, ah, don’t look down… Simple having a wonderful Christmastime.  The choir of children sing their song; they practiced all year long:  ‘Ding dong, ding dong, ding dong, ding dong….'” –Paul McCartney, Simply Having A Wonderful Christmastime

Happy Holidays, everyone!!

If you celebrate Christmas like my family and me, I hope Santa was good to you. He certainly was to us!

One of my favourite moments actually happened a bit before Christmas!  A gift from my blogger Secret Santa came by 🙂

I didn’t get a picture of the package itself (I was too excited, can you blame me???) but it was gorgeous—arguably the best sheet of wrapping paper I’ve ever had (yeah, I’m easily excited by little things.  It’s a gift).



How great is this???


My amazing Secret Santa even included notes for each item, explaining why she picked them out—she even made sure that the candy canes were vegan-friendly!

She took a chance hoping I like Harry Potter…luckily, I LOVE Harry Potter.  I’ve told quite literally everyone I’ve seen over the past few days about my “Little Harry Potter.”

The image on the right above includes an HP colouring book…and a model Firebolt!  Of course, I had to put together the latter for Little Harry Potter.


More excitement?  A delicious-smelling candle (Pumpkin Spice!), perfectly tiny string lights (that may or may not be tormenting the dog’s corner 😉 ),the cutest little penguin erasers, and a copy of her mom’s book.  I can’t wait to sit by the light of the candle and lights, eat a candy cane, and start reading! 😀

A million thank yous to my brilliant Secret Santa, Cathleen!  I low-key want to be her best friend, so chances are you’ll love her too.  Check out Classy Cathleen and her social media here:


Stay tuned for more on my holiday adventures later this week!

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